Sunday 8 March 2009

Ninja stealth cyclists

Not a new phenomenon but as the days get longer and the weather warms up a bit there seems to be a lot more ninja cyclists about.

You know the type, all in black with no lights trying to hide in the shadows ready to pull out in front of any unsuspecting road or redway user.
Sometimes they have a hi-vis jacket on which they think somehow works as light replacements.
Often you'll be cycling along wondering where the sudden annoying squeak is coming from, then realise it's not your chain after all but a rider that has suddenly appeared as if by magic in your lights right in front of you.

Not sure what can be done, I would like to smack some sense into them with a B.F.O. shovel!!
What I tend to do is just give them the thumbs up and say "Nice lights", Hoping that they get the hint and at least go to their LBS*/Tesco/Asda for some cheap ones.

*Local Bike Shop

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